Signage Systems That Will Scale For Any Event

Events are an excellent method for you to promote your services or products and to interact with other specialists from your field of work. Still, event planning requires a high attention to details; when the big day comes, everything has to be perfect.

A very important element of any event is the signage system. Graphic signs will help you promote certain products or guide the attendees to the main stands and webinars. When it comes to graphic signs, you have plenty of options, but some patterns will scale perfectly for any event.

In the following, we will talk about these signs and present you some engaging sign systems ideas.

  1. Standard Banners.

This signage system is common for every event. You can never go wrong with it. If placed in a visible spot, these signs will do their job and accurately deliver the information to the participants.

The good thing about banners is that they can be customized according to your preferences. Depending on your event’s location, you can opt for standing, hanging or affixed banners, so that they fit perfectly in any décor. Banners are suited for promoting a particular product or a company; they create a nice contrast through their interactive shape.

  1. Directory Signage.

As the name suggests, directory signs are used for giving people directions and pointing them to the event’s key activities. When it comes to directorial signage, it’s better to stick with a simple, but expressive design which properly delivers the information.

Still, if we are talking about a large event with many sections, then it’s better to include a more complex wayfinding system. This system should be designed as a map, but you can use your imagination and create a signage that is both helpful and interactive for the participants.

  1. Digital Signs.

We’re living in an era of technology and we should take full advantage of it. Digital signs might be costly, but they create a great impression, and can be reused. If you’re not ready to invest in a digital kiosk, you can use TV screens where you will display the desired information.

Digital signing is great for promoting certain brands, displaying safety information or presenting the sponsors. If you organize events on a regular basis, you should definitely opt for a digital signing system – it will save you a lot of money.

Once you have all the necessary information, it’s not that hard to choose appropriate signage system. Just go for a system that will match your event’s theme and that will be both interactive and useful. Don’t forget to focus on the signs’ content as well.



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